As we mentioned in a previous news post; both the DVSA and the Office of the Traffic Commissioner have been enacting a crackdown on vehicles and operators found to be using AdBlue cheating devices.

Recently released figures show that between August 2017 & February 2018, nearly 400 trucks where found to have such a device installed; with the breakdown showing that that UK-registered vehicles are more likely than foreign-registered vehicles to have the devices installed. Of 4339 UK-Registered vehicles checked, 261 were found to have a cheat device installed; compared to 127 across 5898 foreign-registered vehicles checked.

These vehicles were discovered through a combination of submitted intelligence concerning given operators and vehicles; as well as mechanical & visual management system checks. However, the DVSA have gone on record as saying that means to measure excess nitrogen oxide or dioxide & other such emissions as part of roadside stops are ‘being explored’.

The discovery of such devices have lead to harsh punishments; with Bolton-based Warne Transport, Gloucestershire-based KSL & Rapid Response based in Stoke-on-Trent all having their operators’ licenses revoked. Meanwhile Mactrans based in Weston-Super-Mare has been disqualified from holding an operators’ license for 12 months.

TC’s across the country have grown impatient with operators who claim ignorance of emulators; even those claiming the devices were already fitted when they bought a vehicle. In his written decision on the Rapid Response public inquiry Nick Denton; the TC for the West Midlands stated: “The need for AdBlue should have been self-evident to anyone who understood the business of operating HGVs and who had kept up even a marginal acquaintance with the trade press over the last few years.” Other TC’s have compared their use to “using a magnet to interrupt accurate tachograph recording”.

Once again, we strongly advice operators to ensure that no vehicle in their fleet; knowing or unknowingly, has such a device installed. Should you discover such a device, document it’s discovery, removal and suitable reprimands to staff involved in it’s installation and/or use.